Voter questions and answers.

Join the movement for better student outcomes! You can follow the campaign for updates, talk to neighbors and spread the word, volunteer to help with outreach, and most importantly—VOTE for Liz Eldridge in November!

As Chair of the Somerville Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SSEPAC), Liz fully understands what it means and truly what it takes to fight for improving student outcomes. A fierce advocate, she has fought for greater transparency, collaboration, communication, connection and continues to press for real solutions to improve how students, families and caregivers navigate Somerville Public Schools. Liz isn’t a politician. She’s a passionate parent running for Ward 2 School Committee because she’s ready to do the hard work to improve outcomes, ensure every student receives the support they need, every educator has the resources to succeed, and every family and community member has a voice in shaping our schools.

I’m doing this not because it's 'something to do.' I'm doing this because we need urgent changes within our schools now. Our kids are only getting older. I’m not a politician looking for a title or to fill a warm seat, I’m a parent and an advocate who doesn't make excuses about what we can and can't do. No parent wants to be dismissed or told what can't be done. Instead, I bring creative solutions to the table that are rooted in collaboration and student-centered decision-making. I am deeply concerned for all our students and their futures, and I have the energy and drive to make real change in this system.


  • Our students aren't meeting expectations: Over half of our students aren’t meeting expectations in reading and math. Not reading, writing, and doing math at grade level has huge implications on the student, schools, and the community as a whole. So many students not reading at grade level is a non-starter for me and we need a solution now. 
  • Our students needs aren't being met: We're seeing this in our MCAS and DIBELS scores. When students needs aren't being met they decline socially and emotionally. Effecting the climate of the classroom, school, educators, attendance and suspension rates. 

  • Lack of transparency: Parents, educators, and community members aren’t being kept in the loop. Decisions are being made behind closed doors, leaving many confused, frustrated, and without a voice. This lack of openness creates distrust and weakens the partnership between schools and the community. Clear, open communication is essential and as a community we deserve to know what our elected officials are doing to address our concerns, what is happening in our schools, why choices are being made and how we can be involved in the process. 
  • Lack of collaboration: We need to work together to create the solutions our students require.

We need data-driven solutions, evidenced based interventions, and parent-educator-community collaboration to close achievement gaps. We need to look at the problem for what it is and as a community create a solution to improve our student's outcomes. 

I’ll ensure parents have a real voice in shaping school policies by:

  • Expanding community forums where families can give direct input.
  • Pushing for more transparency in school related decisions.
  • Advocating for parent and community representation at school committee meetings and on subcommittee groups
  • I am committed to hearing parents, community members, and educators concerns and bringing them to the table for not only discussion but to create real plans and solutions.

Any decision must prioritize student needs, not just budget concerns. I will fight to ensure:

  • Families, teachers, and students have a say in the process.
  • Special education students, including those in the AIM program, are not left behind.
  • The final decision reflects what’s best for students, not just what’s convenient for administrators.

Because our kids deserve better. I bring real experience, real advocacy, and real solutions to the table. I’m not here for politics—I’m here to make Somerville schools stronger, more inclusive, more effective and to improve student outcomes.